Aviation Medicals

If you are a pilot or air traffic controller (ATC) you must undergo a mandatory aviation medical exam in order to work in Canadian or FAA-regulated airspaces.

Aviation Medical Examination is carried out by a Civil Aviation Medical Examiner (CAME) who is certified to provide Transport Canada medical exams. At Ultima we also have Aviation Medical Examiners (AME) who are certified to complete the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) exams for US-based pilots.

So if you are just beginning a career in aviation and are looking for a pre employment aviation medical exam we’ve got you covered.

We can also help if you’re a pilot or ATC who is currently on the job and needs a periodic, annual or semi-annual aviation medical exam as it relates to your class or age.

The aviation medical exam takes about an hour in office and includes the following:

  • A medical history
  • A physical exam
  • An audiogram if required
  • Visual acuity testing
  • An ECG/EKG (Electrocardiograph) If required
  • Urinalysis

All necessary tests including, audiograms and ECGs are done at the time of your exam on site

It’s normal to be stressed about these exams there’s a lot riding on them

But just so you know, most applicants pass the exam although you may be required to provide supplemental information (from a specialist for example)

CAME’s tend to flag problems requiring clarification and only rarely deny a certificate outright

You can also appeal the CAME’s decision to the relevant regulatory body

Absolutely. Our doctors provide FAA medical exams and are certified to administer FAA medicals using MedXPress

MedXPress is the online platform that applicants must use to get FAA certified

It varies depending on age, class type and jurisdiction, but typically 1 year

Ultima Medical provides pre employment Aviation Medical Exam also periodic, annual or semi-annual Aviation Medical Exam at at the main Ultima medical office in Richmond.